Welcome to the Law Office of Mary Escamilla, PLLC - An advocate with the trial experience to win.
Family law issue? We can help. Call (512) 501-6077
Mary Escamilla
Selected Rising Star by Super Lawyers 2019
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Representing family law clients in Austin, San Antonio, and counties across Texas since 2005. Mary Escamilla, and her legal staff are here to help. Click here to learn more about Mary.
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Phone: (512) 501-6077
Contact us by email at Mary@melawoffice.com
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We have experience with the following family law issues (and probably more!):
The Texas State Capitol building.
Divorce and Separation - contested divorce, agreed divorces or uncontested divorce, military divorce, same-sex divorce, high-conflict divorce, collaborative divorce, divorce with children and property issues, divorce without children, property only divorce, property division in divorce, divorce with a business, divorcing an addict, divorce with mental health issues, divorce involving a personality disorder, divorcing a borderline personality, divorcing a narcissist, high-debt divorce, separation, legal separation, moving out, right to occupy, common-law marriage, annulments,
Custody - modification, change of custody, the best interest of the child, parental alienation, the child's right to choose, guardian ad litems, conservatorship, parenting coordinator, parenting facilitator, geographic restriction, lifting a geographic restriction, move cases, job change,
Visitation - the Texas standard possession order, Expanded possession order, custom possession orders, 50/50 possession orders, 50/50 visitation, modifying visitation, supervised visitation,
Rights of Parents or Conservators - joint and shared rights of a parent, independent rights of a parent, father's rights, mother's rights, grandparent rights, parental rights and duties, rights of nonparents,
Grandparent Visitation - Grandparent visitation lawsuits, possession and access by grandparents, visitation for relatives,
Child Support - guideline child support, child support arrears, past-due child support, no child support, failure to pay child support, increase of child support, decrease of child support, Office of the Attorney General (AG) cases, enforcement of child support order, arrears and arrearages, judgments for child support,
Enforcement Actions - enforcing a prior order, enforcement of a divorce decree, enforcing a custody or visitation schedule, sanctions, request for attorney's fees,
Defending Against a Motion for Enforcement - defending against a Motion to Enforce an Order, defending against a child support modification or increase, defending against Office of the Attorney General actions for child support enforcement and arrears, child support arrearages, license suspension as a result of child support arrears, contempt actions as a result of child support arrears,
Paternity - motions for DNA testing, presumed fathers, unknown fathers, name changes, modifying birth certificate, sperm-donors, home-inseminations, artificial insemination
Temporary Order Hearings - hearings to establish temporary orders, emergency hearings, temporary restraining orders, "kick-out" orders, protective orders, family violence, orders to appear and show cause, motions for continuance,
Post-nuptial Agreements and Pre-nuptial agreements,
Terminations and Adoptions - termination of parental rights, adoption, step-parent adoption, grandparent adoption, adoption by a relative, social studies,
Single parents - unmarried parents, single dads, single moms, minors with children, suits-affecting parent-child relationships (SAPCRs), modification, establishing orders, same sex parents, sperm-donors, home-inseminations, artificial insemination,
Child Protective Services (CPS) and Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) cases - dealing with child abuse allegations, false child abuse allegations, CPS court, DFPS court, dealing with CPS caseworkers,
Motions for Transfer of Venue - motions to change venue, motions to change the court hearing your case, objecting to a court's jurisdiction,
Discovery - requests for production of documents, requests for disclosures, requests for admissions, requests to produce tax returns, proof of income, paystubs, depositions, requests to sign release or consent forms,
Mediations - informal settlement conferences, arbitrations, motions to mediate, reaching agreements in mediation,
International Abduction - Hague Convention cases, kidnapping children, parents who kidnap, return of child, country of primary residence, passport and travel controls,
Final Hearings and Jury Trials.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: by appointment
Sunday: closed
The Texas state Capitol grounds.
“Family matters are personal, and understanding what works for you and your family is the cornerstone of my practice. Focusing solely on family law and having litigated nearly 800 cases in 14 years, I make it a point to make sure that clients get it done their way. Whether going to court, or spending hours working out a divorce settlement, I do what it takes for each client. ”